San Dieguito High School Class of 1972

forty years

Reunion Weekend: October 12, 13, & 14, 2012

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12 Oct 2012

No Host Mixer at Leucadia Pizza, Encinitas:

Friday Night, October 12th
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location:  Moonlight Plaza (old A & W location), 315 Highway 101, Encinitas, CA 92024
Phone: 760-942-2222
Website:   (SEE MAP)
Cost:  No Host Bar.  Food served until 9 p.m.



13 Oct 2012

Golf on Saturday Morning at Morgan Run Club & Resort

Save the Date:  Fellow Alumni Bob McClendon will be organizing this event.
The Golf Game will be in the morning – more details emailed out this summer.


Fun Get-Together and Dinner at Morgan Run Club and Resort

Saturday Night, October 13th
5:30 p.m. No Host Bar
7:00 p.m. Dinner is served

Resort Casual, Fun Get-Together and Dinner at Morgan Run Club and Resort
(Whispering Palms)

Location:  5690 Cancha de Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Phone: 858-756-2471 or 800.378.4653


Cost: $67.00 per person. Deadline is September 30th  No exceptions
After September 30th and at the Door is $80.00 per person

Buy Your Tickets Now




Where to Stay on Saturday Night?
Morgan Run Resort has offered up a limited number of hotel rooms which are on a first come and first served basis.  Our special room rate offer is $99.00.  This is a standard room with two queen beds. Call Resort to make your reservation #800-378-4653. Tell them you are with the class of 1972.



14 Oct 2012

San Dieguito Park

Noon to 3 p.m. Casual gathering at San Dieguito Park, Solana Beach.  (SEE MAP)
Location:  San Dieguito Park, Area 5, near lower park entrance
Directions to San Dieguito Park

Bring your children, your grandchildren and your spouse if desired.
Charcoal will be provided if you want to grill.
Cost:  Bring a food item to share; Potluck.